You’ve seen your name in neon lights, but have you seen it in sequins?

We can customise your design down to the last sequin during our Shimmer Wall design process for a glittering press wall or thoroughly Instagrammable event space.

Want to know more, or order a shimmer wall? Get in touch and we'll be back in touch shortly.

DESIGN IS IN OUR BLOOD Electric Confetti’s creative director Natalie Jarvis was raised behind the counter of her father’s antique shop in Invercargill, New Zealand. Inspired by old packaging and signage, Nat went on to major in art history and design at university and eventually moved across the ditch to Melbourne, to work in publishing as an illustrator & designer. Now, it’s a family affair with Nat’s partner Scott on logistics, and a local and international team of damned-good, design-loving humans, creating quality concepts for your spaces. We also have a famous (infamous?) bright pink shop at 40 Station St, Sandringham in Melbourne — come and say hi and let us design you the perfect neon!